The Duck Bills’ Great Railway Adventure Story Trail launched in April 2022. Duck Bill’s Great Railway Adventure is an engaging family trail where children follow the map around Stoke to complete various challenges and discover fun facts about Stoke and the railway.
The trail, developed in partnership with Stoke Reads, was designed by local artist Kidda Kinsey and features Duck Bills, an adventure-loving duck that likes travel by train because it is easier than waddling and much kinder to the environment than driving! Children follow the trail to find out facts and then write a letter to Dick Bills’ younger sibling about their discoveries.
To launch the trail an event was held at Stoke library featuring illustration workshops with the Trail artist, railway adventures storytelling sessions with a local storyteller and railway themed crafts and activities. Over 70 children attended and each received a free book courtesy of Stoke Reads.
The project was funded by Avanti West Coast and Community Rail Network and copies of the Story Trail can be collected from any Stoke-on-Trent library, Stoke-on-Trent Train Station or downloaded from our website.