NSCRP promotes the importance of local railways in improving mobility and sustainable travel, community cohesion and wellbeing, and social and economic development.

Derby Station to Peartree Station

5.8 Miles (9.28km)
Approximately 3-4 hours
Only a few trains call at Peartree Station so please check times before you start your walk. To gain access to the platforms you will need to press a buzzer. An East Midlands Railway staff member will then open the gate remotely.

Walk Directions

Exit main entrance at Derby Midland Station, turn right and follow Railway Terrace to traffic light junction opposite The Brunswick public house.
Turn right and descend steps to take Derby Canal underpass (towpath wall visible) to the other side of the railway. Then turn left and proceed under the flyover to the Riverside Path and turn right onto it.
OR, to avoid steps: Continue beyond the steps down the curving footpath, underneath the flyover down to the river. Turn right on the riverside path and pass under the railway bridge.
Follow the curving Riverside Path passing under a road bridge and then a second railway bridge. Shortly after, pass a turn for Swarkestone Cyclepath (Derby Canal Path) then take the next turn right shortly after into Alvaston Park, heading for the left-hand side of the lake. Follow the lake side path in a clockwise direction. An optional stop for refreshments is available at the Waterside Café until 3pm. Toilets are available here.
Continue clockwise around the lake then turn left to join the Derby Canal Path. After a small dog-leg to the right, London Road Bridge is reached. For those wishing to return to Derby Station by bus, walk under the canal bridge, then leave the path to catch the 1 , 1A or Skylink bus from London Road to Derby Midland Station (front entrance) or 1C bus to Derby Midland Station (rear entrance).
Continue along the Derby Canal Path until the A5111 Harvey Road dual-carriageway is reached. Cross the road using pelican crossings. (You can catch the 4 bus directly to Peartree Station from here if you want a shorter walk). Continue south in the same direction alongside housing to another pelican crossing in the distance at Upper Moor Road.
Cross Upper Moor Road at the pelican crossing and continue along Derby Canal Path to another pelican crossing at Boulton Lane.
Turn right along Boulton Lane. Cross A514 Chellaston Road at traffic lights and continue in the same direction along Merrill Way. Turn right at traffic lights into Elm Wood Road to a pelican crossing at end of housing on the right-hand side.
Cross at pelican crossing and take inside line on long bend passing the back of the Rolls-Royce buildings on left-hand side. At next traffic light junction turn right onto Moor Lane (far side of road) and continue, passing to the left of Rolls-Royce sports fields and Recreation Entrance until parkland is reached. Look out for and take path on the left leading to the car park in Osmaston Park, opposite the Moorways Water Park.
Continue on path in Osmaston Park, keeping car park, community buildings and playground to the right-hand side. Keep on main path until housing is reached in the distance.
Continue along Oaktree Avenue to the end, turn right along Victory Road to reach A5111 crossroads junction. Go across the A5111 ( Osmaston Park Road) and then left, proceeding past McDonald’s and Access Storage to reach Peartree Station. Refreshment facilities are available here at McDonalds and KFC, if required.
At Peartree Station entrance gate, buzz controller to release gate and gain entrance to the Crewe platform. DO NOT cross bridge to the second gate on the other side of the tracks unless you require a train to Derby, Nottingham or Newark.

Do you know of any great destinations nearby?

Please let us know of any other visitor attractions that you think we should add to our website. They should be within easy walking or cycling distance of one of our stations.