NSCRP promotes the importance of local railways in improving mobility and sustainable travel, community cohesion and wellbeing, and social and economic development.

Uttoxeter – Historic Market Town

1.2 Miles (1.92km)
Approximately 1 hours
Uttoxeter is a friendly market town full of historic interest, shopping opportunities and a twice weekly outdoor market.
Pavements and well surfaced paths. Suitable for wheelchair users.

Walk Directions

Exit the station via Station Road. After you cross the brook turn left down a footpath under the road. It brings you to the front of a supermarket.
Continue straight on up Bridge Street, passing Market Place on your left.
At the T junction turn left into Church Street.
Turn right to explore the shops and cafes of the High Street. Or go straight on into Carter Street to continue the route.
After about 5 minutes walking on Carter Street turn left into Balance Street.
At the end turn left onto Market Street. Explore the shops and refreshment stops in Market Place and visit the Dr Johnson Memorial.
Exit Market Place towards the war memorial, then turn right to retrace your route back to the station.

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