Traveline allows you to plan your journey from door to door across Great Britain by bus, coach, rail or ferry.
Train timetables by operator
Enjoy huge savings on your rail travel with the railcard that suits you best. Look out for Group Travel and Season Ticket discounts.
Passenger Assist
You can also phone for free on 0800 0223 720 or text 60083.
Local bus timetables
First Bus
For Alsager, Kidsgrove, Longport, Stoke-on-Trent, Longton, Blythe Bridge, Uttoxeter, Stone, Stafford
Community Transport
Community Transport is an option for those who are unable to access public transport and do not have access to their own vehicle. These services, usually driven by volunteer drivers, provide wheelchair-accessible door-to-door minibus transport.
Looking for a great day out?
There is so much to see when you take the train. Explore our Days Out section or consult our NSCRP Route Guide to see which visitor attractions are easily reached from our stations.